Sunday 1 May 2011

Maqai Beach, Fiji

I don't have a huge amount to write about on this blog post, Izzy and I are in such a small little beach resort surrounded by jungle that I haven't been more than 100 metres in any direction from where I sat right now writing this (except out to sea!). It's really nice to not have much to do, no bags to lug around, just the sea and the beach with good food and good people. We have made some nice friends while here too, locals and other travellers.

I tried a bit of surfing the other day with Lindsay & Brian from the U.S. and Inaki from Spain. All three of them are amazing surfers and make it look so easy. There are no waves on the shore, they are about half a mile out to sea near a reef, so we have to take a boat to get there. I jumped off the boat, paddled to the waves and pushed through a few to try and catch the edge of a small one, but the current dragged me towards the shallow water near the reef where the waves were breaking. I was out of breath and energy by the time I had paddled back out of there against the current so called it a day! Little dissappointed I didn't catch any waves, but it's so different trying to catch waves out to sea where the current is so strong, nothing like when I have tried it near the shore and generally within my depth.

Lindsay & Brian had a Nikon zoom lens with them which I borrowed to get some shots of them and Inaki surfing from the boat, as I said they make it look easy!

Today and yesterday have been pretty quiet, as nearly all of the guests went for an overnight trip to Nanuku island, which we're going to do a little later on. We've just been sat around chilling in the sun topping up the tan we lost whilst in New Zealand. I think the people who work here at Maqai resort have enjoyed it being quiet too, as they don't feel they have to 'entertain' so much like they do normally. Most days there are optional activities we can do, such as volleyball, surfing, fishing and trips to the villages and jungles. The other night, Simon, one of the locals, put on a traditional Fijian fire show.

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