Monday 4 April 2011

Christchurch, post earthquake

Last night we drove further down towards Christchurch, turning off the main highway just north of the city to find a free DOC campsite. The only one in the area was 20km down a gravel track through a forest, it really was in the middle of nowhere, and needless to say we were the only people staying there!

This morning we had an early start (because we didn't realise the clocks went back!) and carried on driving down to Christchurch. The earthquake was just over a month ago now, so I was expecting things to have returned to some sort of normality, but with some destruction still visible. I was totally wrong, the centre of the city was cordoned off by the military and the majority of buildings, including people's homes, were boarded up with signs claiming they were unsafe for entry. Even ten minutes out of the city centre there were homes that had been flattened. Every building we passed had spray paint on the front door to notify rescuers they had been checked for people trapped. Most roads had diversions to keep traffic away from the middle of town.

Shops and restaurants had clearly not been entered since the quake, the tables were made, with plates and glasses toppled and covered in dust. Hotels had plants toppled on the balconies, and smashed windows. Noone was around, apart from builders, police and military; it was very eerie and like something out of a horror film. I can't even imagine what the damage in Japan must be like.

After seeing the damage of Christchurch we carried on driving south, making a break in the town of Timaru. Next stop is Oamaru.

Christchurch Earthquake Appeal


  1. Your blog has some great photography! What kit did you take with you? A DSLR? Lens? Heading off to South America in August and struggling to decide what to take! Keep on blogging!

  2. Hello! Thanks for following my blog, I only started it to keep my friends and family up to date with where I am, but it's great to have people enjoy my photography and follow my travels. I didn't bring much kit really, I brought my Nikon D200 (which has taken a battering, luckily it is quite heavy duty!) the standard lens (18-70mm), a 10.5mm fisheye and an SB900 flash. I didn't bother with a tripod, I just find stuff to lean on. Hopefully I won't regret this when I try and get my photos enlarged, but they seem to be OK on the computer.

  3. Hey Bro! Great shots. It must be quite surreal being there straight after the earthquake. Is it still really bad still?

    Missing You! :)

  4. Hello mate, yeah it was very surreal. Its still very bad, no one can get into the town centre still, and most buildings (including peoples homes) have been evacuated and are exactly how they were 6 weeks ago. Missing you too :)

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