Thursday 14 April 2011

Driving north along the west coast

camper van that they couldn't stay here and if they didn't move the fine is $400. As he drove off I could see his van had stickers advertising a local camp site, so I swear he was moving people on so they would pay to stay at his place. We did move on anyway, about 5kms north was another rest area in a slightly more remote place where we didn't get any distruptions!

Today we have covered a lot of mileage driving north towards the Abel Tasman National Park, which apparently has some even more impressive scenery that can be explored by kayak on its rivers. We have stopped often but only for quick breaks and sight seeing.

One small village we passed, of no more then about 10 houses, we saw a sign saying 'Somebody's Treasures'. Izzy, being a fiend for charity shops and car boot sales obviously wanted to have a look inside. I think the building was an old church, that was full to the brim with second hand tat.

A couple of hours on, we stopped at a 'swingbridge' over the gorge that the road had been following. Normally my vertigo would kick in whilst walking over a thin single width bridge that you could see through down to the water below, but the skydive in Queenstown must have done me some good as I was fine crossing it. I even stopped to take some photos!

Our final stop for the day was at cafe/animal park for a quick drink. While you drink your coffee, you get to feed farm animals.

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