Saturday 16 April 2011

Nelson to Picton

We spent the night near the Abel Tasman National Park, but the weather has turned bad and we've had nothing but torrential rain for a few days now. I was hoping to do some kayaking, which is the best way to see the area but there are no lakes so you have to explore from the sea. Neither of us were really in the mood for kayaking in the choppy seas for a few hours in the rain so we moved on to the town of Nelson.

It has been raining in Nelson too, but at least here there are shops and other things to explore. New Zealand among other things, is famous for i's pies so we have been sampling plenty of those (I had a chicken and camerbert which was delicious!) along with lots of coffee in all the cafes in town with free wifi - keeps us out of Mcdonalds for their free wifi.

We visited Jans Hensen Jewellers, who were comissioned by Peter Jackson to make the ring for the Lord of the Ring's movies, and a few other shops around.

We're back in Picton now for the ferry crossing back to the North Island which we will be taking tonight at 22:30. We've seen so much already I can't belive there is a whole other island to explore.

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