Saturday 29 January 2011

Dub Pistols & Ko Lanta

When we arrived in Ko Lanta we saw posters dotted around the town advertising that Dub Pistols were going to be playing a bar on the 27th Jan. We were unsure if it was going to be the actual band and not a cover group because the island is so small and secluded, but we went to check it out anyway. Unfortunately it wasn't the whole live band, but it was Barry Ashworth (the lead man and creator of Dub Pistols) DJing. We had an awesome time, the venue was a Klapa Klum Bar which is literally on the sand of Long Beach. I went over and said hello to Barry and told him about the time I saw him at Komedia in Bath when the crowd got up on stage. He laughed and said he remember the next day getting a call telling him the Dub Pistols are banned from ever playing in Bath again. He really took me and Izzy by surprise because he was a properly nice guy. Not that we had preconceptions of him, but he came over to our seats, shook my hand and introduced himself to Iz and sat there talking to us for a while. He even recommend some other places in the area we should visit while on our travels. On island in particular that he had visited with his fiance he said is really nice, quiet and chilled out.

When Barry went on stage to DJ, there was a problem with the decks, he kept looking over at us and gesturing a gun to his head with his hand as if to say 'just shoot me!', and as we said goodbye he even apologised to us for him not being able to play so much with the faulty equipment. But he was on stage just enough for me to get a few photos.

Izzy has been ill the last few days, nothing serious just flu symptoms so we have taken it easy and stayed around the resort mainly. We have been back to walk some more dogs at the Welfare Centre, this time Pepsi (my favourite!) and a new dog called Lanta. Both really nice well behaved dogs. It's really sad to see such great dogs that are unwanted. If I could I would take all of them home with me! We went back to the beach where we had walked Pepsi and Dolly previously, but this time headed north up the beach. There was another dog outside a bar, who growled at Pepsi and Lanta and then literally within seconds three dogs appeared that were in a hackles up 'attack mode' at ours. Lanta's tail went between her legs and she wet herself so she must have been pretty scared, but I gave them both to Izzy and created a bit of a barrier between them all so nothing kicked off. Luckily there was no fight because the three dogs were huge!

Last night Me and Iz went for a meal with a nice couple (Jean & Valerie) we've met who are staying in our resort. They wanted some sticky rice too, so we recommend the place we went earlier in the week. After dinner Jean & Valerie went to an internet cafe to sort out some more of their travels and to try and book some flights. I was pretty keen to go back to the beach, this time armed with my DSLR to see what I could find, although this time it was only a few smaller hermit crabs.

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