Monday 31 January 2011

Lanta Animal Welfare

We're still in Ko Lanta! After Jean & Valerie and a few other guests at Fevrier Resort had looked for accomodation on some other islands, they soon realised that because of Chinese New Year (2nd to 4th Feb) the the hotels drastically increase their prices. Some as much as 6000 Baht (£120) for a basic room without air-conditioning. Rather than us going through the pain of trying to find somewhere else to sleep, (and thus giving us an excuse to stay here!) we aren't leaving until the celebrations are over.

Fevrier has by far been the nicest place we have stayed on our whole trip, I genuinely have not got a bad word to say about it. Izzy has been a bit under the weather still and not wanted to risk getting any worse so has taken things easy. Lek (the joint owner of Favrier with Malay) has been making Izzy hot drinks throughout the day, and even offered to take her to the doctors, no matter what time of day or night it is.

Of course I don't mind staying at the resort with Izzy while she is not feeling great, but I do get bored easily, so my visits to Lanta Animal Welfare have been increasing. Today I went there this morning and took Puyi, Vispen and Pepsi (still my favourite) out for a walk on the beach, and then after lunch went back to change all of the dogs water and had a bit of a play with them in the enclosures. It was nice to spend even longer with them and get a feel for their different personalities because out on a walk they are too busy sniffing around! The dogs are in good condition and seem to be happy at LAW. When I would get into the enclosures a lot of them would jump around trying to play and some of them tried de-flea me.



Mai Tai

Lanta II

1 comment:

  1. hii pliz visit my blog:
