Saturday 11 December 2010

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

We caught our 07:50am flight with Air Asia to Ho Chi Minh City, which was a short flight arriving there at about 9:15am. We booked a guesthouse last night which is very homely, and the retired couple that run it are very nice. They were helpful enough to email me last night telling me what to ask the bus driver so we knew where to got off when making our way from the airport.
Bangkok Airport at 5:45am
Air Asia Flight - Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh City
Coming into land at Ho Chi Minh City
The weather is very muggy here and I have never witnessed traffic like Ho Chi Minh! I thought Thailand was bad but this place is a joke, people beep constantly letting other motorists know where they are, and ride their bikes so fast in all directions. When it's really busy they even ride their bikes on the pavement.

Apparently the trick to crossing the roads (because the traffic doesn't stop for red lights) is to just look forward and keep a constant speed so the motorbikes and cars know what you are doing and will go around you. The main rule is not to turn around mid way across the road, if you've started crossing, finish it.

It was so manic getting from the bus stop to the hotel with our luggage in town that we haven't done much expolring yet this evening, we're both so tired out! So tomorrow we're getting up early to do some sight seeing. I'll post some photos of the city up tomorrow.

Oh and no Oh and no Facebook in Vietnam because it's blocked by the government!! So email only for the next several weeks.


  1. This is crying out for a tilt shift!

  2. DONE! Just emailed it to you :-)

  3. Good job, you should repost it up here next to this one :)

  4. I made it using
